Why Switch To Cloud Computing Back

By ismartpage     December 11, 2017    1,935

Why switch to cloud computing? Cloud computing has a lot of advantages over having your own server and maintaining it.

Here are the advantages:

  1. Cheaper - It is cheaper to let the cloud service provider to host your data and software than to have your own servers which are more expensive.It is also cheaper because you don't need to have an IT staff to maintain the servers because your cloud service provider will maintain it for you.

  2. Flexible - You can scale up your cloud capacity if your needs increases.Unlike if you have your own server, you need to upgrade or buy new hardware for your server.

  3. Convenient - Employees can access , veiw and edit documents anywhere and anytime in real-time.Whether they're at home or on field work.

  4. Collaboration - Teams can collaborate on projects using the cloub-based apps.Everyone can collaborate on the project in real-time.Like viewing and editing documents.

  5. Updates and Upgrades - You don't have to worry or hassle about the updates and upgrades because the cloud service provider will take care of updating the software , and all system upgrades or security updates.

Ismartpage offers cloud-based solutions for your business. Feel free to contact us for more information.